By the unanimous decision of the Board of Trustees, Fr. Karel S. San Juan, SJ has been elected as the next President of the Ateneo de Davao University effective next year, September 2023, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.

The decision was informed by the work of the Presidential Search Committee, which conducted conversation assemblies with the Ateneo community and various consultations with external allies in higher education. The process was historic as the community considered the possibility of a lay (non-Jesuit) leader for the university, culminating in the nomination of two (2) lay candidates, both of whom were women.

The University looks forward to welcoming Fr. Karel San Juan, SJ, and we pray for him in this calling.
We are also most grateful to our University President, Fr. Joel E. Tabora, SJ, who has led and served the Ateneo de Davao University with integrity for eleven strong years.

Ad majorem Dei gloriam!
