Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Program

The Ateneo de Davao University, in partnership with the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP) network, presents the consortium’s Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Program for Academic Year 2024-2025

The AJCU-AP COIL Program is designed to engage the AJCU-AP member institutions and their respective institutional partners from all over the world in virtual exchange that is guided by a commitment to academic excellence, transformative education, and accessible international learning.



COIL is an approach to virtual exchange that interculturally and internationally links two classes from different institutions usually in higher education. It is a learning modality that, at short-term, commonly unfolds across a 5- or 8-week period, within which a joint syllabus is co-designed and co-taught by a pair of partnered professors.

Sign on as a COIL Champion!

The AJCU-AP will be implementing a pilot COIL Program for Academic Year 2024-2025, aiming to foster international collaboration and enrich educational experiences through virtual exchange. To ensure its success, the program will offer sufficient support from a secretariat, ensure revenue neutrality, arrange for proper recognition of COIL Champions, and oversee research-based documentation of the pilot program.


For managing coordination, logistics, and the hosting of a training workshop.


AJCU-AP COIL is free, with no registration charges.


Towards the end of implementation, COIL Champions will be given a certificate for formal recognition.


Intends to enrich the body of research and discourse surrounding COIL.

What is COIL?

COIL is an approach to virtual exchange that interculturally and internationally links two classes from different institutions usually in higher education.

It is a learning modality that, at short-term, commonly unfolds across a 5- or 8-week period, within which a joint syllabus is co-designed and co-taught by a pair of partnered professors. 

Classes can be fully online or can be conducted in blended formats wherein the individual classes have face-to-face sessions in their respective campuses while being linked for COIL through an online feed that is supported by blended learning technology.

COIL culminates into an output that is collaboratively developed by the students and is demonstrative of their acquired knowledge from the COIL learning experience. COIL also encourages asynchronous meetings among students to further collaborate on their output as well as extend the intercultural exchange beyond the COIL classroom.

COIL can merge two classes from different disciplines and academic fields, or remain single-disciplinary. Either way, the nature of the collaboration would depend on the shared goal of the paired COIL professors.

Only rarely are completely new courses created at either of the collaborating higher education institutions. This is because COIL virtual exchange generally banks on grassroots partnerships from international linkages generated directly by the faculty members.

Hence, COIL is typically embedded as a teaching modality within existing courses and is curricular in nature. The virtual exchange model, therefore, is revenue-neutral in that participating students are enrolled, charged tuition, and awarded grades only at their home institution. The same principle applies to faculty remuneration, ensuring neutrality in compensation processes across participating institutions.

History of COIL

The term COIL or Collaborative Online International Learning was coined by Jon Rubin in 2006 when the State University of New York (SUNY) System administration, in partnership with SUNY Purchase College, agreed to fund a new center devoted to this format of online exchange, which Rubin and his colleagues had been practicing since at least 2002. 

Mr. Jon Rubin, also developed the COIL Connect website designed to be a site where institutions, both new to and experienced with COIL VE, could share data, connect, and develop collaborations. The site gathered important COIL data from the institutions that registered, which would show the authors if and how the pandemic was changing the field. The site was launched publicly in February 2021 and has provided a wealth of data that is shared throughout Rubin’s recently published book on COIL.

Rubin, J., & Guth, S. (Eds.). (2022). The Guide to COIL Virtual Exchange: Implementing, Growing, and Sustaining Collaborative Online International Learning. Routledge. 

AJCU-AP COIL Champions

The AJCU-AP COIL Program is proud to present its roster of COIL Champions for School year 2024-2025:

Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines

Dr. Liza G. Floresca
Dr. Renante D. Pilapil
Dr. Apple G. Alvarez
Dr. Renyl B. Barroca
Ms. Nancy J. Pavia

Catholic University of Pusan, South Korea

Prof. Kyunghyun Kim

INTI International University, Malaysia

Prof. Dina Adam

Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand

Dr. Pannipha Dokmaingam

Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia

Dr. Bernardus Agus Rukiyanto SJ
Fr. Eko Budi Santoso

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

Prof. Maharida Manindar Abbas

Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia

Dr. Agnes Maria Sumargi

The COIL implementation consists of seven phases. The orientation concluded on February 16, 2024 (Friday), and the COIL Champions attended their training workshop on May 25, 2024 (Saturday). These efforts will culminate in approved COIL syllabi from each pair of professors, with courses set for implementation in the upcoming semester of the 2024-2025 school year.

Learn more about each of the phases of the AJCU-AP COIL Program by exploring the tabs below:

Introducing the COIL Classroom: The Power of COIL in Education

16 February 2024 (Friday)

COIL Orientation – “Introducing the COIL Classroom: The Power of COIL in Education”

    • [08:13] “Introducing the AJCU-AP COIL Framework” with Ms. Fatima Jennae Jereza, Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines
    • [30:50] “COIL as a Powerful Tool in Education” with Dr. Wonkyung Rhee, Sophia University, Japan
    • [46:35] “Exploring Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Lessons from COIL” with Dr. Yu-Chih Doris Shih, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

Become a COIL Champion! Sign up via this link:

Join our Current Roster of AJCU-AP COIL Champions from the following universities:

1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
2. Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
3. Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia
4. Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines
5. INTI International University, Malaysia
6. Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand
7. Catholic University of Pusan, South Korea

By completing the sign-up process, you’re indicating your commitment to:

  • Pair up with another COIL Champion for a COIL implementation in the upcoming semester.
  • Collaboratively develop a COIL syllabus.
  • Participate in the Training Workshop on April 5, 2024.
  • Permit the use of your data for reporting purposes and COIL Pilot evaluation.


  • Maintains an active online presence.
  • Engages in undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate-level teaching.
  • Demonstrates willingness to learn (by attending the training).
  • Shows readiness to collaborate (by co-designing a syllabus).
  • Commits to the implementation phase.
  • Is academically available to participate in a COIL Program.
  • Has attended the COIL Orientation Program / has viewed its recording.

For the upcoming COIL pilot implementation in School Year 2024-2025, the following professors have been paired to co-teach the courses:

Philosophy of Development
and Psychology of Play and Early Childhood Education Management

Dr.Renante D. Pilapil
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Ateneo de Davao University

Dr. Agnes Maria Sumargi
Professor, Department of Psychology
Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya

and Energy and Environment


Fr. Eko Budi Santoso
Professor, Department of Mathematics Education
Sanata Dharma University

Dr. Pannipha Dokmaingam
Professor, School of Health Science
Mae Fah Luang University

Global Communication
and Cross Culture Understanding

Dr. Kyunghyun Kim
Professor, College of Liberal Arts
Catholic University of Pusan

Prof. Maharida Manindar Abbas
Professor and International Relations Officer
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

AJCU-AP COIL Training Workshop
25 May 2024 (Saturday)
9:00 AM – 03:00 PM (GMT+8 PHST)
Zoom Teleconference

On 25 May 2024, the AJCU-AP COIL Training Workshop was held from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (GMT+8 PHST) via Zoom. This event aimed to deepen participants’ understanding of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), covering its history, current trends, and future possibilities in global education. Attendees gained insights on effectively introducing COIL to students, fostering intercultural competence, and promoting global mindsets, essential for navigating diverse cultural contexts.

The workshop also provided valuable strategies for co-facilitating COIL projects, maximizing student engagement through online platforms and tools, and building strong international partnerships. Participants learned to create cohesive COIL syllabi that incorporated interdisciplinary perspectives, ensuring the curriculum enhanced collaborative goals and learning outcomes. Networking skills and strategies for maintaining effective international collaborations were a key focus, helping participants overcome initial challenges.

The morning sessions featured plenary discussions on the evolution of COIL, intercultural dialogue strategies, and collaboration tips for shared online classrooms, open to all participants. In the afternoon, the focus shifted to COIL Champions, who worked on finalizing their syllabi and implementation plans for the 2024-2025 academic year.

View the Training Workshop Program

 View the sessions in timestamps:

9:00 – 9:05 AM Preliminaries
9:05 – 9:15 AM COIL Refresher and AJCU-AP Updates Ms. Fatima Jennae Jereza
Assistant Director
Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office
9:15 – 9:45 AM

The Evolution of COIL: From its History to Current Trends and Future Possibilities

  1. This session will provide an overview of the history of COIL, tracing its development and highlighting key milestones and influential moments.
  2. It will explore recent innovations in COIL, examining how current trends are shaping its practice and what future possibilities lie ahead.
  3. This session also aims to discuss the future directions of COIL, identifying both the opportunities for growth and the challenges that educators and institutions may face.
Mr. Jon Rubin
Collaborative Online International Learning, Connect for Virtual Exchange (COIL Connect)
9:45 – 10:25 AM

Bridging Intercultural Classrooms: Introducing COIL to Students and Fostering Global Mindsets

  1. This session will focus on the initial steps of introducing COIL to students, highlighting strategies to bridge cultural differences and develop a global mindset from the outset.
  2. It also aims to help the COIL professor anticipate common intercultural clashes that may arise during COIL projects, providing practical approaches to conflict resolution and fostering a respectful and productive collaborative environment.
  3. Ultimately, it hopes to explore ways to encourage students to delve into diverse perspectives, enhancing their understanding of international issues and promoting effective collaboration across cultural boundaries.
Ms. Xóchitl León Oyarzabal
Internacionalización / Centro de Lenguas y Culturas
Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón
10:25 – 11:05 AM

Mastering COIL Co-Facilitation towards Maximizing Efficiency and Engagement

  1. This session will delve into the details of online facilitation and how it can be done collaboratively between COIL partner professors.
  2. It will touch on best practices for using online platforms to facilitate discussions and activities, ensuring effective student engagement and collaboration.
  3. It will also explore various online tools that can be utilized for COIL projects, highlighting their features for maximizing efficiency and student engagement.
  4. This session also aims to provide strategies for managing time and coordinating activities and deadlines effectively between partner professors, ensuring smooth and successful collaborative projects.
Dr. Daniel Nolan
University of Minnesota Systemwide COIL Initiative
University of Minnesota Duluth
11:05 – 11:35 AM Introduction of COIL Champions
11:35 – 11:45 AM Closing of Morning Sessions and Announcements
11:45 – 1:00 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Designing the COIL Syllabus: Identifying Points of Interdisciplinary Convergence

  1. This session will shed light on how to design the COIL syllabus in such a way that it promotes student engagement and successful learning outcomes.
  2. This session will explore how to identify and incorporate points of interdisciplinary convergence, enriching the COIL experience through diverse academic perspectives.
  3. And it will provide strategies for finalizing a COIL syllabus, ensuring it is cohesive, clear, and aligned with the collaborative goals of the program.

Phase 1 – Introducing the COIL Syllabus
Phase 2 – Breakout Rooms, Syllabus Finalization
Phase 3 – Presentation of the COIL Syllabus by COIL Pairs (1 , 2 , 3)
Phase 4 – Closing

Dr. Maria Teresa B. Isidor
Assistant. Dean
School of Education
Ateneo de Davao University

Dr. Maria Carmela S. Abay
Teacher Education Department
School of Education
Ateneo de Davao University


COIL Syllabus Design and Conceptualization: April-May 2024

Approval of COIL Syllabus: June 2024

  • The implementation proposal through the instructors’ COIL syllabus will be reviewed and approved.
  • Will have significant support from the secretariat as well as the AJCU-AP mentors from the COIL Training Workshop.

The following COIL Courses have syllabi in development:

  1. Philosophy of Development and Psychology of Play and Early Childhood Education Management (Ateneo de Davao University with Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya)
  2. Ethnomathematics and Energy and Environment (Sanata Dharma University with Mae Fah Luang University)
  3. Global Communication and Cross Culture Understanding (Catholic University of Pusan with Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar)

To view the AJCU-AP COIL Syllabus template, email <>.

COIL Pilot Implementation in 2 semesters: August-December 2024; February-May 2025

  • ½ of the semester or 5-8 weeks
  • will target at least 1 synchronous session (1.5 hours) per week
  • the bulk of the COIL work will be asynchronous among the students as they work on their outputs

COIL Weeks

  • Week 0: Pre-COIL Student Preparation
  • Weeks 1-2: Introduction
  • Weeks 3-4: Engagement (Synchronous)
  • Weeks 5-6: Collaboration (Asynchronous)
  • Weeks 7-8: Output Presentation

Evaluation and Recognition Ceremony: November 2024; May 2025

  • There will be a formal evaluation every semester after COIL implementation. 
  • The results of the evaluation will be presented not just to the AJCU-AP INOs, but will also be shared with the COIL Champions during a Recognition Ceremony that will be held for them every after implementation.
  • 2nd Call for COIL Champions for 2025, but a 2nd training workshop for this cycle is not assured.

