On 29 April 2024, the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU)’s School of Business and Governance (SBG) and Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office warmly welcomed and hosted Dr. Dimas Bagus Wiranatakusuma, SE., M.Ec, Director of the International Program at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Indonesia, for an academic and collaborative visit.

The day began with an exploratory meeting with the AIM Office. Present were Mr. Romulo Vinci R. Bueza, AIM Director, and AIM Program Officers, Ms. Lyd Ejira C. Ducusin and Ms. Gillian Marie G. Porras. Aside from introducing ADDU, they also presented the special programs that can be tailored and arranged for UMY. Following this was a campus tour.

To discuss possible academic collaboration, Dr. Dimas also had a meeting with the SBG Finance Department, led by their Chairperson, Ms. Jeffrey Mae A. Tingson, MBA, alongside their faculty members: Dr. Lady Margrett G. Cagape; Dr. Ma. Grace M. Baysa; Mr. Neil Patrick S. Muega, MBA; Dr. Christhoffer P. Lelis; and Ms. Louiecille Larcia-Basas, MBA, AFP.

In the afternoon, an International Learning Session on the “Conceptual Proposal for Future Macroprudential Framework Under a Dual Financial System in Indonesia,” was presented by Dr. Dimas at the Bapa Benny Tudtud Auditorium. With Dr. Dimas’ expertise and extensive research background, the session engaged students and faculty members in insightful discussions.

The session began with opening remarks by Dr. Jenner Y. Chan, SBG Dean. Following this, Dr. Lady Margrett G. Cagape provided a rationale and introduced the guest lecturer. The learning session presented and analyzed the risks inherent in Islamic banks within Indonesia’s dual financial system, proposing criteria for designing and implementing macroprudential policy. The lecture also highlighted Islamic banks’ risks as a primary concern due to their common and unique exposures and discussed the gap analysis to assess the macroprudential design.

Insights were also provided by participants, including Ms. Joie Noreen G. Garces, a finance student, and Dr. Ma. Grace M. Baysa. Following this, an open forum facilitated additional discussion. The closing remarks was then delivered by Ms. Jeffrey Mae A. Tingson, MBA.

The learning session was one such interesting topic that sparked meaningful conversation and provided a deeper understanding, particularly regarding the proposed macroprudential framework and the field of financial systems within the context of Indonesia.
