global internships

The inbound Global Internship Program is available as a credit program for graduating college students and a non-credit program for fresh graduates. The internship program is credited through bilateral agreement with partner higher education institutions. The parameters for credit transfer is specified in partnership with the intern’s university/college. Meanwhile, the non-credited internship program is open to all interested applicants who are able to submit the required credentials. Both credited and non-credited internship programs will garner official certification from the local industry partner.

The program is a service placement of interns at Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU)’s local partner industries and institutions where they will acquire practical training and professional competencies. The internship placements can be with project or research-based institutions from private, non-government, or local community sectors.

The Global Internship Program is administered thematically, depending on the batch of interns’ courses or fields of specialization. The AIM Office will make sure the places for internship are aligned with the interns’ professional and curriculum goals. The program will be facilitated through traditional face-to-face learning, online learning, or blended learning (i.e. combination of traditional and online learning).

AIM has identified themes of specialization which will serve as the niche industries that effectively represent the primary social needs of Mindanao: Peacebuilding, Women, Children, and other Vulnerable Individuals, Indigenous Peoples, Environmental Sustainability and Preservation, and Social Entrepreneurship.

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The Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office presents International Remote Internship opportunities under its Global Internship Program. ​This remote or virtual program is a 4-week internship that provides a skills-based professional ​learning experience to interns through online engagements with our network of partner industries and institutions from within and outside the Philippines.


Read Remote Internship 2020 September Cycle Article here



Maximize the holistic and professional development potential of interns through bridging academic learning and real-world contexts with practical work experience.

Broaden student access to professional learning experiences through the online work platforms.

Assist the interns in building a strong resume that reflects adaptability skills, intercultural competency and engagement, and global citizenship.

Boost the exposure of local partner industries and institutions by connecting them with interns that are able to promote their advocacies to a wider sociocultural arena.

Program Overview

The remote internship program is available as a 3-unit credit program for undergraduate students, and as a non-credit program for graduates who intend to apply individually. The internship is therefore available to enrolled students from our partner universities all around the world.

The remote internship is short-term, entailing a comprehensive and flexible program design. Interns are provided with project-based deliverables that they would work on online. This global opportunity assists interns to acquire professional capacities and access industry-based knowledge remotely, even from their homes.

Online Learning Format

Distance learning ​allows interns to pursue their academic and professional goals without being required to meet the financial and economic standards that confine student mobility and international travel. A virtual internship also provides project-based work descriptions and flexible work schedules. This means that at the end of this program, interns are expected to develop outputs that will serve the mission of their host industry.

Various online educational platforms ensure fruitful virtual interactions. Through these platforms, host industries can provide online lessons/courseworks, group discussions/webinars, group check-ins, and comprehensive project plans/presentations. The framework also includes weekly work plans and assessments. This format will not only provide professional development through a global experience, but also enrich personal skills in t​ime management, organization, and self-discipline.

Themes and Placements

The program is administered thematically, depending on the intern’s course or field of specialization​. ​AIM has identified themes of specialization in its Global Internship Program that interns can choose from. It may be advocacies on ​Peacebuilding, Women and Children’s Rights, Indigenous Peoples, Environmental Sustainability and Preservation,​ and​ Social Entrepreneurship.

Credit Transfer and Internship Fee

Credit Transfer Arrangements

Since the program is credited for undergraduates, official certification of internship will be co-granted by ADDU and the internship host, with the corresponding credit transfer authorization of the partner higher academic institution, when applicable. A baseline of 200 internship hours will be distributed across the four weeks of the internship duration.

Internship Fee

Undergraduate students and graduates who are solo applicants are to pay an internship fee of 300 USD that covers the official enrollment, sessions, certification, kits, and e-learning materials.

For interns enrolled in ADDU, their internship fee is already covered by their practicum fee, paid upon enrollment.

Eligibility, Requirements, and Application Process

Eligible Applicants

  • Enrolled college undergraduates of ADDU partner higher education institution, (including institutional partners from the ASEACCU and AJCU-AP network)
  • Have taken at least three semesters with partner higher education institution

  • Is fluent in English oral and written communication

  • Committed to completing a full internship cycle online


Internship applicants must send these documentary requirements to the Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office via email.

  • Transcript of Records (TOR) 

    – For undergraduates, TOR of all previously completed semesters

    – For graduates, overall TOR of degree program

  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume

  • Endorsement Letter from the International Office or Career Center of the Home Institution

Email us at with the following details:

Subject: [Your Last Name, your First Name] ADDU Remote Internship Program – Requirements

Addressed to: Mr. Romulo Vinci R. Bueza


Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao Office

Ateneo de Davao University

How To Apply

1. Send Documentary Requirements (see requirements above)

2. Fill out the Application Form

3. Send Video Applications (Email to

4. Pay Internship Fee

5. Wait for Notice of Acceptance



September Internship Cycle

Call for Nominations and Applications: August 10-17, 2020

Start of the September Internship Cycle: September 07, 2020

Culmination of the September Internship Cycle: October 07, 2020

October Internship Cycle

Deadline of Video Applications
September 30, 2020

Online Interview with AIM Office
October 01-03, 2020

Notice of Acceptance
October 03, 2020

Start of October Cycle
October 07, 2020


You may sign up in advance for th next cycle!

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