The Mindanao Study Visit is a short-term cultural immersion program that invites our partners in higher education from all over the world to expand their learning horizons through meaningful encounters with the people, places, and multicultural lifeways of Mindanao.

The program features a five-day study tour around Davao City and several site visits in the region that introduce industries that champion local culture and heritage, as well as various local community partners, and Mindanawon advocacy groups. The program seeks to deepen our shared sense of global citizenship and interconnectedness through dialogue on common advocacies and meaningful intercultural encounters.




For this particular cycle, we invite you to take a closer look at our weaving communities in South Cotabato, Mindanao, and appreciate them closely through a visit to LASIWWAI or the Lake Sebu Indigenous Women Weavers Association, Inc., wherein the Tboli women empower their community through a thriving weaving industry that enthrallingly weaves dreams into reality.

program overview and itinerary


Provide an inviting avenue for cultural learning through immersion to international guests and partners who wish to know more about Mindanao.

Foster a more intimate understanding between international guests and the local partner communities through bonding over shared advocacies and intercultural appreciation.

Deepen the sense of global citizenship and interconnectedness among the international and local community participants.


Step 1 - Send a Group Application Form

Download and fill out the application form (available here as a link, as well as an attachment to the emailed invitation letter).

The nomination form is to be completed by your designated Representative or Point Person for this program. The Representative can either be the Head of the International Office of your University/Institution or a designated Program Officer or Academic Head for your intercultural exchange applications.

Students are not eligible to apply directly; there must be a formal application made on their behalf by the representative from the academic institution.

Submit the accomplished application form via email to the Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office (international@addu.edu.ph).

Kindly indicate as the subject of the email: Mindanao Study Visit Application – [Name of Institution]

Step 2 - Fill Out the Profile Form Individually

Once listed in the Application Form, the participants must individually complete the Profile Form to confirm their application. The form requires that the participants upload a soft copy of their passports.

Step 3 - Wait for Confirmation from the AIM Office

The applications will be reviewed by the Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office. The resolution on applications will be communicated via email.

The Notice of Acceptance will include an invoice for the registration payment as well as the program agreement for institutional participation.

Step 4 - Send the Signed Program Agreement along with the Proof of Payment

Upon receipt of the notice of acceptance, the Representative must file for the approval of the program agreement for institutional participation as well as deposit the payment covering the registration fee.

Kindly submit the signed program agreement and a scanned copy of your bank deposit slip (or other proof of transaction) via email to the Ateneo Internationalization for Mindanao (AIM) Office (international@addu.edu.ph).

Kindly indicate as the subject of the email: Mindanao Study Visit Agreement – [Name of Institution]

You will be provided with an official receipt once the payment has been confirmed. The online primer, orientation date, and the deadline of travel requirements will be communicated at this stage.

Step 5 - Submit your Flight Itinerary, Visa, and Travel Insurance

Only upon the confirmation of participation via the notice of acceptance are the participants encouraged to file for visa requirements and other travel necessities such as plane tickets and health insurance.

All documents pertaining to the travel logistics will be submitted by the named Representative to the AIM Office at this point (i.e. flight itinerary, visa, and travel insurance).

Step 6 - Attend the Pre-Event Orientation

The participants will be invited to an orientation before their arrival dates.

